Whaling - People



The first whaling station on South Georgia was founded on 16 November 1904 by Carl Anton Larsen, a Norwegian whaler, at Grytviken, South Georgia.  The majority of men engaged in the whaling industry were Norwegian, who were experienced whalers.  It was a hard life with many hazards and a number never returned home but were buried at South Georgia and other Dependencies or lost at sea. 

With the Great Depression of the 1930s also impacting the Falkland Islands, and a significant number of locally unemployed men, a suggested outlet was the whaling stations in South Georgia and on the floating whaling factories.  Although the work was hard, the wages and bonuses were good and many local men took up the offer.

The following records are specific to whaling personnel based in South Georgia.

pdfSGA-PEW-1-1 Mr S Samuelsen. Papers on the subject of the death of.pdf311.32 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-2 Cia Argentina de Pesca. Nationality of manager of.pdf227.42 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-3 Reporting arrangements regarding German subjects in South Georgia.pdf182.56 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-4 Strike of employees of Southern Whaling Sealing Company South Georgia.pdf197.22 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-5 Strike of employees of South Georgia Whaling Company December 1918.pdf467.51 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-6 Strike of employees of South Georgia Company June 1918.pdf162.95 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-7 Arrangements made by SM South Georgia to enable a whale catcher to be despatched to Stanley with an accused person committed for trial.pdf357.02 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-8 Requests report regarding strikes in South Georgia.pdf571.35 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-9 Correspondence with Messrs Salvesen relative to strikes in South Georgia.pdf688.85 KB 

pdfSGA-PEW-1-10 Strike among employees of Cia Argentina de Pesca South Georgia.pdf407.26 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-11 Question in the House of Commons regarding the strike of the employees of the Compania Argentina de Pesca at South Georgia.pdf206.25 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-12 Application by Spanish subject in South Georgia to acquire British naturalisation.pdf157.45 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-13 Inquiry into cause of death of Pauline Talantino at South Georgia.pdf139.3 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-14 Reports strike of the employees of the Southern Whaling and Sealing Co Ltd.pdf264.58 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-15 Alfred Henry Andersen. Report of inquest held at South Georgia.pdf393.42 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-16 Edward Eriksen. Report of inquest held at South Georgia.pdf494.67 KB 

pdfSGA-PEW-1-17 Employment of Austrian doctor at whaling station at Grytviken South Georgia.pdf329.79 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-18 Telegram despatch to Tonsberg Whaling Company Norway by Estate L Williams regarding the conduct of Captain Fredriksen SS Fleurus.pdf154.74 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-1-19 Unemployment. Suggested outlet for on whaling stations in South Georgia.pdf4.44 MB 

pdfSGA-PEW-1-20 Recruitment of labour for service on board whaling factories.pdf4.96 MB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-1. Recruitment of labour for service on board whaling factories season 1936-37.pdf5.39 MB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-2. Recruitment of labour for service on board whaling factories season 1937-38 1939-40 1940-41.pdf12.24 MB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-3. E G Goodwin and others. Seeks advice as to possibility of obtaining compensation from Messrs Salvesen for an injury sustained while employed on whaling work at South Georgia.pdf2.92 MB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-4. British Red Cross. Requests information regarding the death of Lars Hansen and Henry Andersen at South Georgia.pdf182.08 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-5. Hans Larsen.pdf155.19 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-6. Naturalisation under the British Nationality Act 1948. Application for by Mr Sverre Akseth.pdf572.79 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-7. Burglary at South Georgia.pdf180.86 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-8. Naturalisation under the British Nationality Act 1948. Application for by Dr Johannes Sustring.pdf391.64 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-9. Application from Norwegian subject Hans Kristoffersen to become a naturalised British subject.pdf2.58 MB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-10. Application by Mr P A Holm to become a naturalised British subject.pdf569.96 KB

pdfSGA-PEW-2-11. Application by Mr Ansgar Flaatten to become a naturalised British subject.pdf3.58 MB



While every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy the Jane Cameron National Archives does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in these records.

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