Land and General



1844          The construction of roads in Stanley was started in April.  By the end of 1848 £2,100-11-5 ¾ had been spent and the  work was unfinished.   

1849          As the main road had been practically finished it became necessary to construct roads or tracks at the back of the town.  This cost £144.

1853          Ross Road was continued approximately 170 yards further eastward.

1856          Ross Road was extended further.

1871          Tracks to Darwin Harbour and Cape Pembroke were partially finished at a cost to date of £79-4-10.

1888         Hebe St and Fitzroy Road East, which had previously existed only by name, were formed and drained at a cost of £180.  Anew road for carting peat from the western suburbs and for a frontage to the adjacent land was constructed and drained at a cost of £70.

1889         James St was formed, drained and macadamized.

1890         A substantial sea wall of about 100 yards was built.

1891         A sea wall, running from the Dockyard to the West Store was started.

1895          Reclamation work was begun and an extensive sea wall was erected for filling in.

1897         A sea wall, some 300 yards in length, was built for the protection and widening of the road running past Government House.

1905          Barrack Street was broadened, drained and metalled throughout and Hebe Street was substantially repaired.

1908         Ross Road was metalled for about half a mile east of the Cemetery.

1924          Motor vehicles were first introduced to the Falkland Islands and by 6 January 1926 there were five privately owned cars, four lorries and three tractors.  Of these, eight were Fords, three were Morris’, and one was a Citroen.  At this point the total road mileage in the Falklands was approximately five miles in Stanley.  In the Camp there were limited tracks around a few of the settlements.

1926          Ross Road and the other principal roads in Stanley were re-laid and provided with a pavement or a kerb and gutter.

1929         In June work was commenced on a road to the Admiralty Wireless Station at Moody Brook, a distance of three miles.  It was estimated to cost £5,800 and was known as the North Camp Road.  It was completed early 1932 and it was the first metalled road to be built outside the town boundary.

1932          Work was started on a road to Surf Bay.  It was completed early 1934 at a cost of £7,000.  A ribbon track towards Sapper Hill was altered and converted into a road and continued towards the foot of Mount William.  Over the next two years good progress was made on to Mount Harriet on the Darwin-Fitzroy track but for reasons of economy the work was stopped in 1934.  Ross Road at ‘Italy’ near the Battle Memorial was widened by reclaiming and filling in part of the foreshore.

1935          An access road towards and through the peat deposits was continued with the main road in the direction of Eliza Cove.

1953          There were 12 miles of road in Stanley and 69 cars, 23 vans, 38 motorcycles and 24 lorries licensed in the Islands.

240. Bonners car tracked vehicle

Bonner’s Citroen Kegresse caterpillar car – FIC Ltd Collection, JCNA


Government Files

pdfTRN-LAN-1-1. Roads bridges and drains 1920 Stanley.pdf623.24 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-2. Roads suggestion for commencing a simple road-system in the Colony.pdf628.41 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-3. Imperial Motor Transport Council. Enquiry regarding particulars of vehicular taxation in the Falkland Islands.pdf240.17 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-4. Construction of new ford across Moody Valley stream.pdf319.44 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-5. Improvement of track between Stanley and Naval WT station.pdf1.5 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-6. Ditching in connection with construction of road to Naval Wireless Station.pdf500.71 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-7. Steam road roller. Telegram to Crown Agents enquiring price of.pdf3.03 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-8. William C McDaid. Petition for construction of road from Fitzroy Road to south east common gate and from there to join road south of common fence.pdf3.44 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-9. Manager FIC Ltd. Applies for permission to lay tram lines from east end of Customs Shed to connect with rail at East Store.pdf713.95 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-10. Purchase of British Cars in the Colonies in place of those of American make.pdf2.57 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-11. Bridge across Murrell River.pdf855.12 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-12. John Hamilton. Road construction in marshy or mossy areas.pdf1.11 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-13. W H Luxton. Chartres River West Falkland measurement of for suggested bridge.pdf8.89 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-14. Repair of bridge at Malo River.pdf387.28 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-15. Steam road roller.pdf621.45 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-16. H H R Gresham. Erection of bridge across Murrell Stream.pdf805.02 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-18. Stanley improvement scheme reports on improvements etc to roads in Stanley.pdf5.06 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-1-19. Stanley improvement scheme. Executive Engineer submits reports etc on drainage scheme.pdf995.96 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-1. Proposed erection of a bridge in East Falkland across the Arroyo Malo Stream.pdf13.59 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-2. Executive Engineer. Reports accident to the steam road roller on 29th September 1925.pdf1.06 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-3. Repair of approach to gate on the Darwin Track.pdf427.69 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-4. Executive Engineer. Suggests the necessity for rules to regulate road traffic in Stanley.pdf1.25 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-5. Particulars regarding the cost and construction of clear span timber bridges.pdf341.78 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-6. Department of Overseas Trade. Requests information regarding the number of motor vehicles in use in the Falkland Islands.pdf234.26 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-7. Executive Engineer. Stanley Improvement Works. Suggests purchase of second 1 ton Morris Motor Lorry.pdf389.49 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-8. Montgomerie Stobo and Co Ltd. Advertisement Colfix cold bitumen for application to roads.pdf2.41 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-9. S H Riches. Complaint regarding the manner in which one of the Government motor lorries is being driven.pdf1.2 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-10. Executive Engineer. Further report on the condition of roads in the town of Stanley.pdf2.97 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-11. Information regarding performance of motor vehicles in the Falkland Islands.pdf508.15 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-12. Colonial Engineer. Proposed purchase of Morris 6-wheeled truck.pdf4.14 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-13. Colonial Engineer. Proposed road to North Camp.pdf2.2 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-14. Colonial Engineer. Motor accident in John Street.pdf371.26 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-15. Acting Magistrate. Road traffic advisability of legislation in regard to.pdf1.36 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-16. Suggested construction of a track from Fitzroy to Stanley.pdf5.81 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-17. Report by the Colonial Engineer dated the 4 April 1930 on motor expedition to Darwin in connection with proposed improvements to tracks in the Colony.pdf3.07 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-18. FI Co Ltd request assistance of Govt in the erection of bridges over Swan Inlet and Anteojo Stream.pdf2.86 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-19. Condition of cart track to the east of Stanley.pdf523.37 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-2-20. Proposed construction of a road leading from Stanley Eastwards to Surf Bay.pdf1.42 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-1. Mr A J Gilchrist requests Government to effect some improvement to the road in front of his premises.pdf350.71 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-2. Robert Blake. Requests advice of Director of Public works in regard to the erection of bridges over Byron Sound and Blackburn Streams.pdf456.18 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-3. Construction of ribbon tracks to Camp.pdf2.16 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-4. Construction of road and approaches to the Colonial Secretarys office and hospital.pdf2.85 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-5. Cold Chon bitumen emulsion Messrs Jas Greenshields and Co Ltd request photographs of Stanley roads treated with the above.pdf205.15 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-6. Director of Public Works. Proposed purchase of a Ford open tourer Colonial model for use on Camp tracks.pdf459.42 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-7. Use of six wheeled lorry to transport Dr Edmunds from Rincon Grande to Stanley. Question of payment of additional wages and subsistence allowance to those engaged.pdf247.77 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-8. Construction of a bridge over the Fitzroy River Patersons Point.pdf2.08 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-9. Construction of a bridge over Dirty Ditch between Stanley and the Murrell Pass also fitting of a gate as a point above Murrell Pass.pdf362.73 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-10. Construction of tracks to the Camp.pdf4.96 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-11. Tracks to the Camp etc inspection of by His Excellency the Governor.pdf474.13 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-12. Murrell River Bridge.pdf225.17 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-13. G T Roberts. Damage caused to car on the evening of the 22nd May 1936.pdf769.51 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-14. J E Hamilton. Horse tracks to and from North West Camp of East Falkland Island.pdf476.08 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-15. Mr G Short expresses gratitude for assistance rendered in conveying his wife from the Estancia to Stanley by lorry.pdf430.09 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-16. J McGill. Petition from owners of motor vehicles in Stanley in connection with roads.pdf5.41 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-17. Construction of a cattle stop at the common gate to west of Sulivan House.pdf460.55 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-18. Construction of tracks to the Camp. His Excellency the Governor requests information regarding cost of etc.pdf3.76 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-19. Construction of road to Sapper Hill gun.pdf1.11 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-20. Formation of Stanley Motor Club.pdf3.18 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-21. Government motor mechanic. Services of in overhauling and repairing private vehicles.pdf553.45 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-22. H C Harding. Request for grant of 200 for the purpose of constructing a dirt track and bridges between Hill Cove and Roy Cove.pdf2.29 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-23. F G Berntsen. Stanley Common. Animals injured in trying to cross cattle stops.pdf1.23 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-24. Mr J A King complains re condition of road and lighting facilities in Brandon Road.pdf1010.15 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-25. Manager Hill Cove requests loan of portable stone crusher.pdf241.9 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-3-26. W D A Jones. Applies for permission to institute proceedings against the Falkland Islands Company Ltd regarding a motor collision.pdf1 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-1. Coroner. Marking of correct pass on either side of Murrell River.pdf229.52 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-2. Maintenance of Public Works Deparment lorries.pdf1.64 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-3. Proposed road from Stanley to Port San Carlos survey.pdf1.4 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-4. Condition of road to RN WT station.pdf856.19 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-5. Stanley Roads repair of.pdf7.93 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-6. Motor accidents.pdf2.51 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-7. Public Works Department. Steam roller.pdf726.4 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-8. Stanley Roads repair of.pdf10.09 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-9. Land communications in the Falkland Islands.pdf9.13 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-10. Land communications in the Falkland Islands.pdf6.94 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-4-11. Erection of barriers and signs at main crossings and improving of blind corners in Stanley.pdf5.42 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-5-1. Land communications in the Falkland Islands.pdf23.26 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-5-2. Stanley Town Council. Town roads.pdf3.45 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-5-3. Land communication in the Falkland Islands.pdf29.34 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-5-4. Stanley Motor Club.pdf2.92 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-5-5. Sale of camp tracks equipment.pdf18.67 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-5-6. Stanley Roads repair of.pdf29.74 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-5-7. Motor vehicle statistics.pdf26.98 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-6-01. Land communicatons in The Falkland Islands.pdf822.6 KB

pdfTRN-LAN-6-02. Camp roads and bridges - Part II.pdf10.51 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-6-02. Camp roads and bridges - Part II.pdf13.59 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-6-03. Camp roads and bridges.pdf14.16 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-6-04. Stanley roads repair of - Part I.pdf12.51 MB

pdfTRN-LAN-6-04. Stanley roads repair of - Part II.pdf15.95 MB



pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-1. Report on Proposed Improvement to Tracks in the Colony and on Motor Expedition to Darwin in connection with the first Survey 4th April 1930.pdf3.56 MB

pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-2. Stanley Motor Club. Minutes of Meetings - 14 June 1938 to 14 September 1942.pdf15.08 MB

pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-3. Notice of new Drinking and Driving Law.pdf32.84 KB

pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-4. Provisions relating to the Control of Government Transport.pdf122.58 KB

pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-5. Report on the Factors Involved in Providing a Road System in Rural Areas of the Falkland Islands - M P OReilly DSIR - August 1963.pdf3.04 MB

pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-6. Government of the Falkland Islands Repair of Streets Etc by Crown Agents Works Unit Progress Report No 6 to 31 July 1983.pdf1.29 MB

pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-7. Government of the Falkland Islands Repair of Streets Etc by Crown Agents Works Unit Progress Report No 8 to 30 September 1983.pdf1.05 MB

pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-8. Camp Tracks Development Programme Proposal - W S Hills - 3 January 1985.pdf201.56 KB

pdfR-TRN-LAN-1-9. Options for Development of Roads in East and West Falklands - McAdam Design - May 1988.pdf624.03 KB

pdfR-TRN-GEN-1-4. Internal Communications Study 1977. Falkland Islands - J A Peat and V O Jameson.pdf2.18 MB

pdfR-TRN-GEN-1-5. Falkland Islands Internal Transport Study - Halcrow Fox and Associates - January 1986.pdf10.05 MB

pdfR-TRN-GEN-1-6. Internal Transport Review for the Falkland Islands Government -MS Consulting - 28 June 1996.pdf4.41 MB

pdfR-TRN-GEN-1-7. The Falkland Islands Internal Transport Review 2001 - H A Normand FIDC.pdf4.48 MB

Maps and Plans

 pdfBridges Jetties and Monuments.pdf3.67 MB


pdfBodie Bridge construction - FIC Collection JCNA.pdf19.22 MB

pdfPatersons Point Bridge construction - FIC Collection JCNA.pdf5.59 MB 


While every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy the Jane Cameron National Archives does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in these records.

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