The first recorded cargo of sealskins and seal oil to be exported from the Falkland Islands was by Louis Bougainville and other French settlers at Port Louis in 1766. By 1774 mixed whaling and sealing voyages were being made by crews from the United States, soon to be followed by British vessels.
The first sealing license was issued in 1840 by Lieutenant John Tyssen, the Naval Officer in Charge of the Falkland Islands, for the rookery off Volunteer Point. Despite measures to try to control the wanton destruction of the seal rookeries in subsequent years the herds were severely depleted by poaching. In 1881 the Seal Fishery Ordinance was passed to help with the recovery of the seal colonies so that a domestic sealing industry could be established.
Dead seal on slipway at Albemarle Sealing Station
These files are part of the collection of Government Files held on Natural History - Seals and Sealing. NB: These files are on seals and sealing in the Falkland Islands. For sealing in the Dependencies see Dependencies.
These files have not been uploaded in any particular order but represent those scanned to date for researchers.
NAT-SEA-1-1 Sealing rights of land owners where no reservation was made at time of sale of land - also question of acreage c.pdf(129.49 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-2 Draft lease to Messrs Salvesen Coy of the fur seal rookeries of the Colony.pdf(281.6 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-3 Fur seal annual report concerning required by Sec of State.pdf(113.97 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-4 E Schroder. Applies for permission to kill 200 fur seal on Bird Island.pdf(105.54 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-5 Application of Mr R Bailey to take fur seal from Volunteer Rocks.pdf(361.27 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-6 Fur sealing licences granted to Mr R Carey Mr J Hansen.pdf(502 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-7 Application to take fur seal from Volunteer Rocks.pdf(330.52 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-10 British Museum desires collection of skulls of Antarctic seals sea lions.pdf(180.28 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-13 G E Parrin. Applies for licence to take fur seal from Volunteer Rocks.pdf(90.05 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-16 Report on Mr J E Hamiltons visit to seal rookeries on Volunteer Rocks.pdf(482.31 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-17 J E Hamilton. Reports presence of fur seal in Tamar Pass.pdf(53 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-18 D Shaw. Applies for a sealing licence for Buchene Beauchene and Bird Islands.pdf(122.95 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-19 Experimental killing of seals and dispersal of products by Government.pdf(461.74 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-20 J E Hamilton. Report on fur seal rookery at Jason Island.pdf(163.68 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-22 Applications for sealing licences 1921.pdf(521.1 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-23 Fur seal. Protection of. Issue of notice in connection with.pdf(116.96 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-24 Fur seal. Protection of.pdf(2.87 MB)
NAT-SEA-1-25 Hair seal. Experimental culling of.pdf(1.2 MB)
NAT-SEA-1-26 Legislation for the further protection of the fur seal. Ordinance No 8 of 1921.pdf(1.9 MB)
NAT-SEA-1-27 A F Cobb. Hair seal. Applies for permission to be allowed to kill.pdf(180.61 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-31 Accommodation for guard on Elephant Jason Island.pdf(272.12 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-32 J E Hamilton. Mr Jason Hansen. Forwards report on working of fur seal by.pdf(536.47 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-33 H C Harding. Hair seal. Burnt Island Kelp Lagoon permission to kill applied for.pdf(104.84 KB)
NAT-SEA-1-34 Sealing officers. Suggestion as to appointment of.pdf(151.18 KB)
NAT-SEA-2-1. J C Coker Armed guard for seal rookeries. Offers his services as a Lewis gunner in.pdf1.14 MB
NAT-SEA-2-2. Arthur E Felton. Application for permission to kill hair seal.pdf785.95 KB
NAT-SEA-2-3. Mr F G Langdon applies for permission to kill sea lions hair seal.pdf632.7 KB
NAT-SEA-2-4. Set of flags and code book for use of armed guard on Elephant Jason Island.pdf615.47 KB
NAT-SEA-2-5. Protection of fur seal rookeries. Elephant Jason guard advance of wages to.pdf1 MB
NAT-SEA-2-6. Armed guard for Elephant Jason Island.pdf4.42 MB
NAT-SEA-2-8. Government Naturalist notifies forwarding of cases of specimens to British Museum.pdf1.4 MB
NAT-SEA-2-9. Preservation of tussac on Kidney Island.pdf791.42 KB
NAT-SEA-2-10. Reports establishment of armed guard on Elephant Jason Island.pdf1.38 MB
NAT-SEA-2-11. Govt Naturalist. Submits memorandum on the utilisation of sea lions.pdf10.01 MB
NAT-SEA-2-13. Jason Island guard. Report on inspection of.pdf1.62 MB
NAT-SEA-2-15. Hair seal sea lions . Applications to kill or drive off.pdf2.42 MB
NAT-SEA-2-16. Armed guards. Respecting the supply of milk vegetables etc for.pdf2.21 MB
NAT-SEA-2-17. Jason Island guard. Miscellaneous communications respecting.pdf5.02 MB
NAT-SEA-2-18. Report on operations from the 28 October 1922 to the 6 March 1923.pdf12.8 MB
NAT-SEA-2-19. Mr Andrew Watson. Applies for post of armed guard on occurrence of vacancy.pdf611.04 KB
NAT-SEA-2-20. Tussac Islands Port William . Damage to tussac grass by sea lions.pdf6.31 MB
NAT-SEA-2-21. Hair seal sea lions . Applications to kill or drive off 1923.pdf851.67 KB
NAT-SEA-2-22. Forwarding seal skins to Crown Agents for the Colonies.pdf1.76 MB
NAT-SEA-2-24. Suggested programme of work in connection with fur seal 1923-1924.pdf867.04 KB
NAT-SEA-2-25. Seal poaching report of practice.pdf1.34 MB
NAT-SEA-2-26. Submits report on visit to tussac islands. Damage to tussac by sea lions.pdf1.49 MB
NAT-SEA-2-27. Hair seal sea lions . Applications to kill or drive off 1924.pdf6.4 MB
NAT-SEA-2-29. Payment of freight on seal skulls shipped to Sir Frank Colyer.pdf937.36 KB
NAT-SEA-2-30. Fur seal herd Falkland Islands 192526.pdf5.25 MB
NAT-SEA-2-31. Requests information regarding the rendering down of seals.pdf885.8 KB
NAT-SEA-1-32 J E Hamilton. Mr Jason Hansen. Forwards report on working of fur seal by.pdf536.47 KB
NAT-SEA-2-33. Fur seal. Notes regarding preparing of skins prepared by Mr J E Hamilton.pdf647.91 KB
NAT-SEA-2-34. Hair seal. Notes regarding made by Mr J E Hamilton.pdf932.89 KB
NAT-SEA-2-35. Temporary re-establishment of guard at Jason Island.pdf25.17 MB
NAT-SEA-2-36. Memorandum on seals by Mr J E Hamilton.pdf1.84 MB
NAT-SEA-2-38. Seal rookery Jason Island. Reported contemplation of raid on.pdf1 MB
NAT-SEA-4-1 Opening of Museum by Uruguayan Government.pdf(631.53 KB)
NAT-SEA-4-4 Mr Fred Bonner applies for a licence to take fur seal.pdf(83.31 KB)
NAT-SEA-4-5 Operations of Falkland Islands and Dependencies Sealing Company.pdf(10.98 MB)
NAT-SEA-4-6 Prevalence of sea leopards in the Falkland Islands.pdf(273.07 KB)
NAT-SEA-4-7 E Gray Co. Makes application for seal-hunting licence.pdf(257.41 KB)
NAT-SEA-4-9 Poaching on seal rookeries in the Falkland Islands.pdf(118.87 KB)
NAT-SEA-4-10 W J Hutchinson Makes application for a sealing licence elephant seal.pdf(1.56 MB)
NAT-SEA-4-12 Sealing in the Falkland Islands.pdf(2.42 MB)
NAT-SEA-4-13 The Falkland and Dependencies Sealing Company Limited.pdf(506.25 KB)
NAT-SEA-4-14 Sealing concession to Couper Friend Co.pdf(5.09 MB)
NAT-SEA-4-15 Application by Mr J Hansen to kill elephant and leopard seals.pdf(241.38 KB)
NAT-SEA-4-16 Sea lion and sea elephant experiments.pdf(2.18 MB)
While every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy the Jane Cameron National Archives does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in these records.
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Copies of government records may be used freely for private research and educational purposes. If material is to be used for commercial publication, exhibition or broadcast the written permission of the Jane Cameron National Archives must first be obtained. Whenever material from the Jane Cameron National Archives is reproduced in any form or in any medium, the user must acknowledge the Jane Cameron National Archives as the source and give all document references. For non-government records it is your responsibility as the user to ensure that copyright is not infringed and any infringement that does occur is your responsibility.