From 1833 to current day the population of the Falkland Islands has always been culturally diverse. With some families now able to claim eight or nine generations the following family files show the origin of some of the early families who lived, worked and often settled in the Falkland Islands.
These files are not a complete representation of families in the Falkland Islands in the 19th century but are those researched by the National Archivist since 2009.
To protect the privacy of people who are still alive some information has been redacted.
Another good source of information on local personalities is “The Dictionary of Falklands Biography” edited by David Tatham ISBN 978-0-9558985
JAFFRAY Alexander and Margaret.pdf(938.07 KB)
JARVIS Thomas and Bridget.pdf116.43 KB
JAY George and Daisy.pdf250.45 KB
JENKINS James and Mary.pdf113.17 KB
JENNINGS George and Jane.pdf(338.55 KB)
JENNINGS Thomas and Louisa.pdf(133.25 KB)
JOHNSEN John and Jane.pdf348.52 KB
JOHNSEN Olai and Annie.pdf267.2 KB
JOHNSON William and Anna.pdf(403.45 KB)
JOHNSTON John and Margaret.pdf(112.91 KB)
JONES John and Mary.pdf306.58 KB
KELWAY George and Amelia also John George KELWAY.pdf1.56 MB
KENDALL John and Elizabeth.pdf496.92 KB
KENNY Norman and 1. Betheda 2. Thelma.pdf364.93 KB
KIDDLE Noah and Mary.pdf690.98 KB
KILLALIA Thomas and Elizabeth.pdf(261.14 KB)
KIND William and Mary.pdf59.77 KB
KING Frederick and Jane.pdf(213.06 KB)
KING John and Jessie R.pdf(63.94 KB)
KYLE Andrew and Margaret.pdf(122.57 KB)
KIRWAN John and Jane.pdf(182.95 KB)
LANGDON John and Ann.pdf(186.73 KB)
LANG Frank and Mary.pdf(204.11 KB)
LANGE August aka POOLE Charles and Celina.pdf(240.05 KB)
LANGE August aka POOLE Charles - papers relating to.pdf(3.88 MB)
LANNING William and Margaret.pdf(172.83 KB)
LARSEN Anton and Ellen.pdf265.16 KB
LAURENT James and Ann.pdf198.13 KB
LEE Charles and Emma.pdf50.95 KB
LEE Jacob and Emily.pdf(558.03 KB)
LEECH Brice and Hannah.pdf102.2 KB
LEES David and Harriet.pdf464.54 KB
LEES John and Mary.pdf(165.84 KB)
LEHEN John and Jane.pdf(580.14 KB)
LELLMAN Francis and Ellen.pdf743.35 KB
LEWIS James and Eleanor.pdf697.23 KB
LEWIS James Henry and Jane.pdf182.12 KB
LINDENBERG Karl and Annie.pdf(262.61 KB)
LINNEY Albert and Louisa LINNEY Arthur.pdf196.38 KB
LLAMOSA Jose GALLARDO Rosa.pdf(252.14 KB)
LUCHTENBORG Johann and Henriette.pdf393.54 KB
LUXTON William and Mary.pdf1.49 MB
LYNCH Michel and Mary.pdf(50.9 KB)
LYNCH Thomas and Mary.pdf(173.46 KB)
LYSE Obadiah and Harriet.pdf(280.71 KB)
MAGOVERN or McGOWAN John and Jane.pdf118.58 KB
MAGUIRE (McGUIRE) Patrick and Duglis also Martha MAGUIRE.pdf(693.01 KB)
MANNAN Henry and Ann.pdf(135.4 KB)
MARTIN Alexander and Ann.pdf(120.05 KB)
MARTIN Felix and Sarah.pdf(57.84 KB)
MARTIN William and Leocardia.pdf(426.26 KB)
MASON William and Sarah.pdf187.99 KB
MATHISON George and Alexandrina.pdf(111.21 KB)
MAY Frederick and Harriet.pdf(172.28 KB)
McASKILL Donald and Catherine.pdf(182.02 KB)
McASKILL John and Kate.pdf(169.78 KB)
McATASNEY John and Ellen.pdf(175.72 KB)
McCALL Archibald and Jane.pdf(500.35 KB)
McCARTHY James and Selina.pdf(328.59 KB)
McCARTHY Michael and Mary.pdf405.64 KB
McCLYMONT James and Mary.pdf101.04 KB
McDONALD Angus and Christina.pdf(62.48 KB)
McGARRELL Daniel and Mary Ann.pdf258.78 KB
McGEORGE George and Agnes.pdf186.29 KB
McGILL William and Isabella.pdf265.88 KB
McGILLOWAY Robert and Elizabeth.pdf(52.75 KB)
McGREGOR John and Bridget.pdf121.64 KB
McINTOSH Alexander and Mary.pdf(488.3 KB)
McKAY George and Barbara.pdf577.04 KB
McKAY George and Susan.pdf(51.83 KB)
McKAY John and Mary.pdf204.06 KB
McKENZIE Alexander and Barbara.pdf(333.44 KB)
McKINNON John and Anne.pdf(49.67 KB)
McKINNON Norman and Ann.pdf(250.54 KB)
McKIRDLE or CARDLE or MacKIVELL or KIVELL Catherine.pdf194.95 KB
McLAREN James and Agnes.pdf(122.89 KB)
McLEAN Hugh and Mary.pdf(113.23 KB)
McLEAN John and Mary Ann.pdf200.59 KB
McLEAN Meyrick and Harriet.pdf115.05 KB
McLEAN Peter and Catherine also Archibald and Agnes.pdf953.15 KB
McLEOD Alexander and Mary.pdf444.6 KB
McLEOD Angus and Elizabeth.pdf(610.4 KB)
McLEOD Donald and Ida.pdf250.64 KB
MCLEOD Kenneth and Jessie.pdf196.14 KB
McLEOD Norman and Mary.pdf1.13 MB
McMULLEN David and Margaret.pdf387.15 KB
McNICOLL James and 1. Isabella 2. Anastasia.pdf939.79 KB
McNIECE John and Mary Ann.pdf203.88 KB
McPHEE Donald and Sarah McPHEE Alexander and Letita.pdf(172.75 KB)
McPHEE Kenneth and Caroline.pdf221.28 KB
McPHERSON Lachlan and Mary.pdf(110.83 KB)
McPHERSON Peter and Jane.pdf646.54 KB
MEIERHOFER John Martin and Rose.pdf476.33 KB
MELVILLE Charles and Elizabeth.pdf(155.38 KB)
MERCER Alexander and Mary.pdf1.07 MB
MIDDLETON Stewart and Margaret.pdf(532.7 KB)
MILLER James Willison and Jane.pdf962.28 KB
MILLER Sydney and Julia.pdf(366.98 KB)
MOIR Alexander and Elizabeth.pdf382.92 KB
MOLONY John and Rosa.pdf(116.08 KB)
MOORE John and Caroline.pdf(115 KB)
MORRIS John and Henrietta.pdf(112.73 KB)
MORRISON Alexander and Ellen also Donald MORRISON.pdf612.1 KB
MORRISON Evander and Ann.pdf252.24 KB
MORRISON Ewan and Christina.pdf202.37 KB
MORRISON Findlay and Anne.pdf202.55 KB
MORRISON Kenneth and Violet.pdf221.57 KB
MORRISON Murdo and Mary.pdf180.04 KB
MORRISON Roderick and Sarah.pdf529.33 KB
MULVANY John and Mary.pdf119.27 KB
MUNRO Roderick and Mary.pdf(135.4 KB)
MURPHY James and CAREY Catherine.pdf(149.51 KB)
MURRAY Christopher and Mary MURRAY John.pdf(141.99 KB)
MURRAY Patrick and Mary.pdf(112.25 KB)
MYLES James and Mary.pdf191.76 KB
MYLES Thomas and Elliot.pdf(174.78 KB)
While every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy the Jane Cameron National Archives does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in these records.
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Copies of government records may be used freely for private research and educational purposes. If material is to be used for commercial publication, exhibition or broadcast the written permission of the Jane Cameron National Archives must first be obtained. Whenever material from the Jane Cameron National Archives is reproduced in any form or in any medium, the user must acknowledge the Jane Cameron National Archives as the source and give all document references. For non-government records it is your responsibility as the user to ensure that copyright is not infringed and any infringement that does occur is your responsibility.