FI Volunteers and FI Defence Force


In a Proclamation dated 6 October 1847 Governor Moody passed Ordinance No 3 the Militia Ordinance for the formation of a Militia Force within the Colony.  He made known his intention to avail himself of the present dearth of employment to call out, organise and drill said Militia Force as easily as the terms of the ordinance will admit and the pay the Militia would receive while called out.


The Stanley Gazette of 30 December 1847 His Excellency the Governor and Commander in Chief hereby gives Notice that the Militia Force of the Falkland Islands will be divided into the following Corps formed by the undermentioned individuals.  Her Majesty’s Militia Corps of Horse consisted of a cornet, a sergeant, two corporals and sixteen privates under Lieutenant R A Williams.  The Artillery Corps consisted of one corporal and eleven privates under Sergeant Phillips. HM Militia Regiment of Foot consisted of an ensign, a sergeant, two corporals and forty privates.  [E2; 145-150]

On 23 October 1848 it was gazetted that the Militia Force of the Falkland Islands were required to meet at the Flagstaff near Government House on Monday 6 November 1848 at 1.30pm precisely and to continue until 6pm and that the rate of pay for each private would be 2/6 for the half day.  The officers were required to give their services gratuitously and no pay would be allowed to persons with permanent salaries from the Government Establishment.  The captain, chaplain and surgeon were called out, along with four lieutenants, two ensigns, a colour sergeant, four sergeants, two corporals, and forty one privates.  [E2; 188]

The Militia Ordinance No 1 of 1851 came into effect 1 February 1851


On 19 May 1854 due to the Crimean War a notice was issuing calling for every male Colonist above 16 years of age to meet the Governor on 20 May 1854 at 4.30pm to consider the best mode of protecting the Settlement.  On Saturday 21 October 1854 the seamen and marines of the ss Sharpshooter met at 1pm and performed alongside the Stanley Volunteers and the Military Pensioners in various manoeuvres.  The Crimean War ended early 1856.  [E4; 90, 97]

In June 1891 the Chilean steamer Maipo belonging to the Chilean revolutionary party and with over 200 fully armed soldiers and sailors on board called at Port William to carry out repairs.  Due to the perceived risk to the security of the Islands Governor Sir Roger Goldsworthy formed an armed body of volunteers called the Falkland Islands Volunteers with the first body of 37 sworn in at Government House on Monday 13 June 1892. An Ordinance to providing for the establishment of a Volunteer Force was enacted in 1893 as Ordinance No 5 of 1893.  [FI Gazette 1893; 16, 24, 42]

In August 1914 under Section 12 of the Volunteer Ordinance 1893 Governor Allardyce called out for active service every officer and volunteer belonging to the Falkland Islands Volunteer Force.  The FI Volunteers were mobilised to man military defensive outposts around Stanley during World War I.  They reverted to normal peace conditions 1 August 1919.  [FI Gazette 1914; 186, 194: 1919; 61]

Ordinance No 7 of 1920 an Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a Defence Force was issued 13 December 1920.  [FI Gazette 1920; 138]  The Falkland Islands Defence Force (FIDF) is still active today.

These files form part of the collection of Government Files held under Defence - FI Volunteers and FI Defence Force.  They have not been uploaded in any particular order but represent those scanned to date for researchers.

Government Files

pdfDEF-FID-1-1. Volunteer inspection 1903. Remark of Col Defence Committee.pdf381.88 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-2. Ammunition. Only service pattern to be used.pdf187.18 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-3. Defence scheme to be prepared as to suitability of 2.5 inch RML guns.pdf708.78 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-4. Remarks by COC on annual report FI Volunteers.pdf641.63 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-5. Remarks by the Colonial Defence Committee on the report on the Volunteer Force February 1908.pdf117.09 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-6. McPhee Mrs D. Question as to whether allowance should be granted to whose son is serving in Falkland Island Volunteers.pdf377.51 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-7. Newnham F J Lieut. Selection of to be temporary commandant of FI Volunteers.pdf621.75 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-8. Newnham F J Capt. Payment of 33-6-8 as an advance on account of his salary.pdf196.02 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-9. Ag O C Volunteers. Reports on public officers serving in FI Volunteer Force Sgt Riches.pdf251.97 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-10. Princess Marys gift. Information re.pdf168.64 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-11. Private McPhees remittance to his mother. Papers on the subject of.pdf268.41 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-12. Falkland Islands Volunteers. Regulations and ordinances question amending.pdf1.12 MB

pdfDEF-FID-1-13. Allowance from Private Alex McPhee to his mother.pdf226.71 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-14. Falkland Islands Volunteers drowned on active service. Granting of pensions to widows of.pdf438.59 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-15. Field Day. HMS Kent and Falkland Islands Volunteers. Report on.pdf678.11 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-16. Volunteer Force. Regulations providing a scale of pay for.pdf164.15 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-18. Falkland Islands Defence Force Club. Application by for exemption of payment of customs duties.pdf195.72 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-19. Falkland Islands Defence Force Club. Formation of.pdf116.82 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-20. Services rendered by local and volunteer forces in Colonies. Army Council desirous of securing particulars of any individuals or units specially deserving recognition.pdf381.7 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-21. Ammunition. Requirements of small arm for 1917.pdf283.83 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-22. Colonial Surgeon. Sick leave for signaller S Summers. Recommending.pdf410.17 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-23. Army order of 14.9.18 amending conditions governing award of silver war badge.pdf333.05 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-24. Secretary of State. Reports dispatch of gold watch to be presented to C Andreasen Private Falkland Is Volunteer Force.pdf349.28 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-25. War Office. Forwards proof of sheets of Army List for correction as far as Falkland Islands Volunteer Force is concerned.pdf257.37 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-26. Major H M S Turner. Requests certificate of his service in the Falkland Islands Volunteer Force.pdf240.97 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-27. Secretary of State Honours. Forwards insignia of order of the British Empire for Captain T N Goddard and Captain G M Smith.pdf247.46 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-28. Particulars of Mr G W Royles services in Volunteer Force may be obtained from Colonial Office.pdf146.37 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-29. Proclamation terminating active service of Volunteer Force.pdf389.77 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-30. Indent No 1000. Billiard table etc for Falkland Islands Defence Force Club.pdf2.4 MB

pdfDEF-FID-1-31. Eligibility of members of Falkland Islands Volunteer Force for the 1914-15 Star.pdf420.46 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-32. Resignation of commission as Second Lieutenant in the Falkland Islands Volunteer Force by Mr G Waterson owing to departure from the Colony.pdf103.02 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-33. Major F J Newnham. Tenders resignation of command of Falkland Islands Volunteer Force and also asks permission to leave the Colony by ss Kenuta.pdf327.81 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-34. Crown Agents. Advising placing of order for rifles for Volunteers.pdf894.93 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-35. Victory medal.pdf235.17 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-36. Sgt L T Barnes. Applies to draw 30 p.a. as instructor to Volunteer Force.pdf1.04 MB

pdfDEF-FID-1-37. OC Volunteer Force. Applies for grant for officers of FIDF towards expenses of uniform etc.pdf146.14 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-38. Falkland Islands Volunteer Force not eligible for 1914-15 Star.pdf137.63 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-39. Gratuity of 200 awarded to Major Newnham in recognition of his services while in command of the Falkland Islands Volunteer Force.pdf266.35 KB

 pdfDEF-FID-1-40. Grant of the rank of major to Lieutenant F J Newnham.pdf141.41 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-41. Silk Union Jack and commemorative shield presented to the Falkland Islands Volunteer Corps.pdf589.79 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-42. Secretary Ministry of Pensions. Asks to be supplied with a report on cause of death etc of Pte J Allen Falkland Islands Volunteers.pdf512.52 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-43. Claims of Falkland Islands Volunteers in respect of war medals to be finally decided at a later date.pdf466.94 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-44. Sergt L T Barnes. Submits application for commission in the Falkland Islands Volunteer Force.pdf234.62 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-45. G W Royle. Resignation of commission in the Falkland Islands Volunteers.pdf134.91 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-46. Secretary of State. Offer to issue free of charge rifles guns and ammunition.pdf578.45 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-47. R Aitken. Enquires whether he is entitled to compensation in respect of the death of his son while on active service with the Falkland Islands Volunteer Force.pdf321.3 KB

pdfDEF-FID-1-48. Mrs McPhees enquiry respecting her son.pdf216.67 KB


pdfDEF-FID-4-1 Dress uniform for the Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf(3.23 MB)

pdfDEF-FID-4-2 Provision of machine gun shed at drill hall for equipment and machine guns etc.pdf425.25 KB

pdfDEF-FID-4-3 Proposed formation of a brass band in the Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf1.2 MB

pdfDEF-FID-4-4 Falkland Islands Defence Force. Commissions in.pdf3.88 MB

pdfDEF-FID-4-5 Appointment of the very Reverend Dean H E Lumsdale to be chaplain to the Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf231.44 KB

pdfDEF-FID-4-6 Erection of small lean to porch at outer door of FIDF drill hall.pdf96.93 KB

pdfDEF-FID-4-7 Regimental Colours for the Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf291.65 KB

pdfDEF-FID-4-8 Falkland Islands Defence Force. Inspections.pdf173.72 KB

pdfDEF-FID-4-9 Falkland Islands Defence Force. Programme of training.pdf2.95 MB

pdfDEF-FID-4-10 Signal section F Is Defence Force. Strength and degree of training.pdf247.1 KB

pdfDEF-FID-4-11 Defence Force headquarters. Inspections of.pdf152.52 KB

pdfDEF-FID-4-12 Suggested appointment of a commanding officer for the Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf2.64 MB

pdfDEF-FID-4-13 Award of long service medals to members of FIDF.pdf1.53 MB

pdfDEF-FID-4-14 Falkland Islands Defence Force. Courses in the United Kingdom.pdf2.32 MB

pdfDEF-FID-4-15 Falkland Islands Defence Force Club. Importations of liquors etc by question of treatment of as Government cargo for the purpose of effecting a reduction in freight costs.pdf168.47 KB


pdfDEF-FID-6-1 Proposed conversion of old reservoir into an ammunition dump.pdf118.06 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-2 Requests nominal roll of European members of the Defence Force.pdf1.33 MB

pdfDEF-FID-6-3 Falkland Islands Defence Force arrangements for officering of.pdf157.5 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-4 Falkland Islands Defence Force. General welfare grant made by the War Office.pdf464.89 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-5 Release of Government officials for military service.pdf346.82 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-6 Presentation of new standard to Falkland Islands Defence Force by citizens of Hull.pdf127.79 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-7 Sale of intoxicating liquor by publicans to members of Falkland Islands Defence Force for consumption off the premises.pdf151.59 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-8. Award of efficiency decoration and efficiency medal to members of the Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf8 MB

pdfDEF-FID-6-9. Proposed rifle range for use of Falkland Islands Force.pdf556.61 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-10. Supply of stores by Falkland Islands Force.pdf92.49 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-11. Communications with West Falkland through the facilities of the Falkland Islands Force.pdf459.25 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-12. Affiliation of mounted infantry and infantry company with West Yorkshire Regiment and coastal defence battery with Royal Regiment of Artillery.pdf2.53 MB

pdfDEF-FID-6-13. British Empire Service League.pdf760.61 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-14. Falkland Islands Defence Force. Disability arising from military service.pdf782.21 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-15. Falkland Islands Defence Force. Commissions in.pdf440.01 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-16. Demobilisation Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf1.64 MB

pdfDEF-FID-6-17. Reversion of Falkland Islands Defence Force to peace time establishment.pdf996.8 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-18. Disposal of FI Defence Force buildings.pdf4.12 MB

pdfDEF-FID-6-19. Barbed wire entanglements left in vicinity of Stanley by Falkland Islands Forces.pdf317.95 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-20. Appointment of temporary armourer and caretaker military department.pdf252.31 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-21. Claims received for stores loaned to the Falkland Islands Defence Force during the war.pdf3.52 MB

pdfDEF-FID-6-22. Re-barrelling of rifles.pdf548.08 KB

pdfDEF-FID-6-23. F J Summers requests particulars of service with FIDF.pdf169.46 KB

pdfDEF-FID-7-1. Appointment of officers in the Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf5.73 MB

pdfDEF-FID-7-2. Falkland Islands Defence Force. Maintenance of buildings etc use of drill hall.pdf2.67 MB

pdfDEF-FID-7-3. Falkland Islands Defence Force. Compulsory training in.pdf341.33 KB

pdfDEF-FID-7-4. Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf6.22 MB

pdfDEF-FID-7-5. Falkland Islands Defence Force.pdf2.53 MB

pdfDEF-FID-7-6. Falkland Islands Defence Force. Exercises between Falkland Islands Defence Force and HM Ships.pdf542.37 KB

pdfDEF-FID-7-7. Falkland Islands Defence Force. Requests for certificates of service.pdf1.89 MB

pdfDEF-FID-7-8. Falkland Islands Defence Force. Uniforms.pdf634.12 KB

pdfDEF-FID-7-9. Falkland Islands Defence Force. Summer training camp.pdf4.92 MB

pdfDEF-FID-7-10. FIDF equipment.pdf2.58 MB

pdfDEF-FID-7-11. FIDF summer training camp.pdf5.68 MB

pdfDEF-FID-7-12. FIDF Club.pdf2.42 MB



pdfR-DEF-FID-1-1 Falkland Islands Defence Force Training Camp 1956 16th-28th March.pdf(1.2 MB)

pdfR-DEF-FID-1-2 Falkland Islands Defence Force Rifle Association. A Record of Events compliled by Les Gleadell.pdf(687.29 KB)

pdfR-DEF-FID-1-3 Falkland Islands Rifle Association 1992 - 2000 Compiled by J S Smith.pdf(1.62 MB)

pdfR-DEF-FID-1-4 Guidance on Camp Security.pdf(84.29 KB)

pdfR-DEF-FID-1-5 Standing Orders for Defence of Port Stanley 1916.pdf(3.17 MB)

pdfR-DEF-FID-1-6 Falkland Islands Defence Force Club Rules.pdf(289.76 KB)


Maps and Plans

pdfFalkland Islands Defence Force.pdf3.94 MB



While every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy the Jane Cameron National Archives does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in these records.

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