Due to the geography and the isolation of the Falkland Islands shipping has always been an important part of life.
The opening of the Panama Canal in 1914 reduced the need for many ships to brave Cape Horn however the Falkland Islands remained an important strategic outpost and a convenient port for ships visiting and trading with southern South American countries.
Local vessels consisted of schooners, ketches, cutters and the like, and were a mixture of condemned vessels, whale boats that had been fixed up or converted for the local interinsular and coasting trade, locally built cutters, ketches and schooners, ready-built second-hand overseas purchases and custom-builds.
Visiting ships included whalers, sealers, mail ships and general cargo vessels.
HMCS Afterglow – FIC Collection, JCNA
Government Files
The Government file system was started post World War I; previous to this all correspondence was kept in manuscript books. The following Government files contain information on local and visiting vessels. Due to the volume of files and for ease of research they have been uploaded in loose alphabetical order.
SHI-VES-1-1. Purchase of Drifter Afterglow.pdf6.6 MB
SHI-VES-1-3. Insurance of ss Afterglow.pdf1.5 MB
SHI-VES-1-4. Re-conditioning of HMCS Afterglow.pdf365.8 KB
SHI-VES-1-5. HMCS Afterglow. Flags and Uniforms required for.pdf3.17 MB
SHI-VES-1-6. HMCS Afterglow. Stores and provisions for. Maintenance of armed guards.pdf859.75 KB
SHI-VES-1-7. Report on voyages of HMCS Afterglow.pdf4.74 MB
SHI-VES-1-8. Gun for HMCS Afterglow.pdf918.99 KB
SHI-VES-1-9. Instructions to armed guard and master of HMCS Afterglow regarding duties.pdf1.38 MB
SHI-VES-1-10. Instructions relative to the duties and powers of the master of HMCS Afterglow.pdf796.58 KB
SHI-VES-1-11. HMCS Afterglow. Accommodation for Officers.pdf1.6 MB
SHI-VES-1-12. HMCS Afterglow. Respecting Water supply for at West Point.pdf286.83 KB
SHI-VES-1-13. HMCS Afterglow. Programme of work for 1922-23.pdf468.38 KB
SHI-VES-1-15. Voyage of HMCS Afterglow to Punta Arenas.pdf5.2 MB
SHI-VES-1-16. Extra Engine room rating required for HMCS Afterglow for voyage to Punta Arenas.pdf1.15 MB
SHI-VES-1-18. Report on the repairs to HMCS Afterglow executed at Punta Arenas.pdf1.8 MB
SHI-VES-1-19. Services of crew of Afterglow available for work on shore.pdf707.93 KB
SHI-VES-2-1. Voyages of HMCS Afterglow 1924.pdf3.59 MB
SHI-VES-2-2. Musketry Course for officers and men of Afterglow.pdf509.15 KB
SHI-VES-2-4. HMCS Afterglow. Taken off service for overhaul of engine and boiler.pdf709.84 KB
SHI-VES-2-6. Mr William J Catten. Appointed Gunner on HMCS Afterglow.pdf936.75 KB
SHI-VES-2-7. HMCS Afterglow. Handing over of Engineroom Department to Mr Skeltons relief.pdf477.38 KB
SHI-VES-2-8. HMCS Afterglow. Arms and Ammunition for Patrol Boat.pdf639.83 KB
SHI-VES-2-10. Police Vessel to check illicit whaling.pdf2.07 MB
SHI-VES-2-11. Approval of sale of HMCS Afterglow.pdf2.55 MB
SHI-VES-2-12. Running costs per diem of HMCS Afterglow ss Fleurus.pdf109.2 KB
SHI-VES-2-13. Maintenance of HMCS Afterglow for emergency service.pdf900.26 KB
SHI-VES-2-14. HMCS Afterglow. Service of.pdf180.62 KB
SHI-VES-2-16. Sale of Whale Boat ex Afterglow.pdf124.58 KB
SHI-VES-2-17. Enquiry regarding training ship four masted barque Admiral Karpfang.pdf255.36 KB
SHI-VES-2-18. Reported finding of Boat on Carcass Island.pdf1.07 MB
SHI-VES-2-19. Disposal of mb Alert on the completion of the survey of Stanley Harbour.pdf1013.84 KB
SHI-VES-2-20. Chilean Steamer Antartico alongside public jetty after dark.pdf392.88 KB
SHI-VES-2-22. Argos. Steamer chartered by Sundt Brothers Argentina. Enquiry respecting.pdf227.71 KB
SHI-VES-2-23. Captain of ss Austral reports slipping of anchor and chain off Wreck Point.pdf147.85 KB
SHI-VES-2-25. Registration of mv Belleville.pdf281.82 KB
SHI-VES-2-26. Opinion of Board of Trades solicitor on ownership and removal of wreck Bertha.pdf588.63 KB
SHI-VES-2-28. Wreck of Sealing Schooner Baden Powell off Elephant Jasons.pdf2.54 MB
SHI-VES-2-31. Departure from London of the freightship Canonesa.pdf136.11 KB
SHI-VES-2-34. Operator Fox Bay reports vessel lying off Fox Bay.pdf379.47 KB
SHI-VES-2-35. Wreck Chance lying at entrance of Rouse Creek Dunnose Head.pdf431.07 KB
SHI-VES-2-36. Steamers due to arrive in Port Stanley on 26th March 1918.pdf125.77 KB
SHI-VES-2-37. ss Corinthiacos.pdf1.95 MB
SHI-VES-3-1. Registration of RMS Darwin O.N. 156384.pdf3.61 MB
SHI-VES-3-2. Falkland Islands Co Ltd. RMS Darwin.pdf2.22 MB
SHI-VES-3-3. Rowland James Watson - Deceased. Seaman RMS Darwin. Death by misadventure.pdf731.82 KB
SHI-VES-3-5. Rubelindo Boldrini deceased RMS Darwin.pdf2.59 MB
SHI-VES-3-6. Respecting the cutter Emilia Punta Arenas.pdf432.09 KB
SHI-VES-3-7. Strange motor schooner reported passing Pebble Island. Emma.pdf350.21 KB
SHI-VES-3-8. Exe Unregistered Cutter. Wreck of.pdf1.5 MB
Log Books and Crew Agreements
RSS Bransfield
RMS Darwin
While every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy the Jane Cameron National Archives does not accept responsibility for any omissions or errors in these records.
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Copies of government records may be used freely for private research and educational purposes. If material is to be used for commercial publication, exhibition or broadcast the written permission of the Jane Cameron National Archives must first be obtained. Whenever material from the Jane Cameron National Archives is reproduced in any form or in any medium, the user must acknowledge the Jane Cameron National Archives as the source and give all document references. For non-government records it is your responsibility as the user to ensure that copyright is not infringed and any infringement that does occur is your responsibility.